image: College of Instruction (Consolidated Rite of Freemasonry)

Extensions of the Craft

The three components of the College of Instruction provide valuable extensions to the Craft Degrees. They enhance and supplement the content of each of the 1st, 2nd and 3rd Degrees in Freemasonry:

Lectures of the Craft elaborate on the 1st Degree

Mark Master Mason elaborates on the 2nd Degree

Royal Arch Mason elaborates on the 3rd Degree

The symbol of the College of Instruction is a classical temple housing three books. The books remind us that these extensions of the Craft Degrees form part of a larger Masonic 'house of learning'.


Once a Brother Freemason participating in the Consolidated Rite feels genuinely familiar with the ritual and symbolism he has encountered, both in the Degrees of the Craft and their respective Extensions as listed above, he is encouraged to seek further Masonic instruction by pursuing the group of so-called Rose Croix Degrees.



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